Every now and then we're going to put a spotlight (open up your eyes and see) on the Madonna Wanna's - the good, the bad and the ugly - since they have bloomed in Madonna's garden and are a product of her potency as an artist, musician, image maker and sex cunt. Like all bees swarming around The Queen, they continue to do the work and carry out the visual gospel she has instilled since she first burst onto the video medium scene with Borderline in early 1984.
Our first Wannabe Worship inductee is Gwen Stefani - a wannabe since the gate. The Good. This won't be her only entry. Today we will focus on It's My Life (2003), or rather her Express Yourself (1989) life. Gwen does her Madonna dream right, so there are no complaints. Firstly, she has that face. Secondly, her hair in this video is sockn' it. Finally, it's just plain brilliant. Using elements of Express Yourself, Breathless Mahoney, Dick Tracy, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Frances Farmer's arrest, and peppered with Die Another Day - Gwen pulls it all together magnificently with gorgeousness and style. Her clothes are a character alone in this video. As is her attitude. It's perfection from beginning to end. She Wannabe Worship'd greatly. Cheers, Cheers!!!
Our first Wannabe Worship inductee is Gwen Stefani - a wannabe since the gate. The Good. This won't be her only entry. Today we will focus on It's My Life (2003), or rather her Express Yourself (1989) life. Gwen does her Madonna dream right, so there are no complaints. Firstly, she has that face. Secondly, her hair in this video is sockn' it. Finally, it's just plain brilliant. Using elements of Express Yourself, Breathless Mahoney, Dick Tracy, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Frances Farmer's arrest, and peppered with Die Another Day - Gwen pulls it all together magnificently with gorgeousness and style. Her clothes are a character alone in this video. As is her attitude. It's perfection from beginning to end. She Wannabe Worship'd greatly. Cheers, Cheers!!!

In my opinion, Gwen is the best of the wannabes. She pays homage to Madonna without shame, but still remains original and has her own distinct sound.
ReplyDeleteGwen's two solo albums are definitely Madonna-influenced, but they're also true gems in their own right that even Madonna would be proud to call her own. Too bad she's not more prolific, though.
I love Gwen! She has a great style, her music is fantastic, and of course she is Madonna influened. I must say Gwen got a hold of Pharrell Williams first in 2004 (who doesn't think Gwen's song "Yummy" belongs on Hard Candy?) Madonna has always been on ahead of everyone else but when she decided to work with Pharrell, Timbaland, and Timberlake in 2008, they had already worked with everyone else. I like the album though. Still, this video always reminded me of Madonna's Express look which always reminded me of Thelma Todd http://www.moviemaidens.com/photoView.asp?mmid=3005
ReplyDeleteI love art inspired art! Actually, if you look at any art, its hard to find something that doesn't resemble it.
I call her my Madonna-Lite! She also conveniently (for me) schedules her concert tours in a way that doesn't conflict with Madonna's schedule. haha! So when I'm having M withdrawals, I turn to my Madonna lite for relief. LOVE LOVE GWEN!
ReplyDeletegwens great. she is a madonna lite! madonnas lil' sister. buster, love thelma todd but she was a little more 'goofy' to me - and not in a bad way - the good way. shane, i agree. xo
ReplyDeleteLove Gwen and why do people constantly keep talking about Timbaland and Pharell working with other artists first? WHO FUCKING CARES! Madonna worked with them because she enjoyed their sound, not to be hip or new. Give me a break.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a stab at Madonna but rather commentary on how she is always one step ahead of everyone and it is obvious! I never said she did it to be hip or new. All I'm saying is the sound was getting tiresome by the time she got a hold of them. Ease up Tony. The beauty of this blog is that we get to share our opinions. Its nice when people are objective.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree, but you always seem to go against what everyone else says. lol. And, 'Hard Candy' has several fantastic songs on it. Madonna always makes her songs sound like her own.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I go against what everyone else says. I agree Madonna is the queen and always will be. You guys agree...but I happen to like Gaga and you don't and that's perfectly fine. I love Gwen and both of her albums and I also have a special place in my heart for Hard Candy...however I have an opinion about the Pharrell, Timbaland combo and you don't and that's perfectly fine as well. If I go against what everyone else says, I don't do it on purpose. I truly don't. If I was doing it for the sake of arguing, I would be ugly and rude and I try not to be. I am not a Madonna hater! I have ZERO of that in my body. Pud knows I have been a fan since 84, have seen her live 16 times and almost all tours (sadly, I missed Virgin Tour...don't get me started!), I went to the Evita premiere, was in the pit for one of the RIT shows, I love all of her music, etc. Basically, I am a REAL fan like you guys. I think I can be objective without being a "hater." Again, I apologize for coming across as if I am against her or what you guys say...its so far from the truth. She did make Hard Candy her own and I love it. I just don't want to be that Madonna fan that can't be objective. I love her. Always will. And I love you guys - keep sharing and I promise to keep the Gaga talk to a very, very minimum! HA HA!
ReplyDeleteAside from a few songs, I don't like HC much at all and I have no quelms in stating that. But will I go into that discussion right now? No, for it's a long one and some people might only go on the defensive.
ReplyDeleteBut back to the subject at hand - Gwen is great. And yes, a Madonna Lite indeed. I like that. For she lacks M's tenacity and political consciousness, but stylistically and attitude-wise hits similar notes. 'L.A.M.B' was a brilliant pop album and I get the feeling it shook M's thrown a bit when it exploded. Uh huh. Tick tock tick tock tick tock...
Make that 'throne'.
ReplyDeleteI just can't. Sorry, guys.
ReplyDeleteMadonna Lite? More like Dale Bozzio Lite, and I was never a big fan of hers either.
ReplyDeleteI never said I disliked lady gaga. Her music is fine, she is just fake, thats all.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ Tony!
ReplyDeleteoh betty, is that all you have to say? cant you see the express yourself-ness in this? and she did a good job in her madonna wanna dream. haha!
ReplyDeleteOf course I can; I have EYES! (haha!) I just don't share your opinion that she did a good job of it. She should cover "Walkin' in LA" and leave Madonna to Madonna.
ReplyDeletehaha!!! edina monsoon: "i have ARMS"!
ReplyDeleteOh my I Love this post! Love Madonna Fans and their Passion!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite threesome- madonna, gaga and gwen.
ReplyDeleteBut in the aspects of style, gaga should be buried. Her style just stinks. She can never be that stylish as madonna. Gaga always looks strange and ridiculous to me even though she's my favourite next to madonna. Musically she may be a mini madonna but she can never impersonate our queen, that is the ONE AND ONLY MADONNA.