Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Everything

The Immaculate Collection DVD.


  1. My all-time favourite photograph. Absolutely stunning! I watched the 'Celebration' DVD the other day, such a kick in the guts to see all those iconic videos in such crap quality. A 4 DVD set should have been prepared.

    Nothing can touch The Immaculate Collection for quality and beauty.

  2. rl81 i agree about the celebration dvd collection. the quality is not the best, but the artwork is cool. anyway, it's madonna videos and they are masterpieces no matter what.
    i love too the immaculate dvd and cd. both are already classics!

  3. the best greatest hits title in all the land. perfect package in everyway.

  4. Yes, it's everything. The first LP in my collection was IC. And one of my favorite photosessions!

  5. This should have been the CD cover too. Without her image it's a bit crap.

  6. Uh, are people on crack? The quality on my Celebration DVD set is amazing. Crisp and clear. I feel bad for those who got bad copies. Got mine for $14.99 at Target. The DVD's are less then 2hrs each, the length of each movie on most DVD's and are all the same 4GB size. Stop going by the file size of each video to rate the quality.

    Long live the AMAZING Celebration DVD! how dare them leave off a couple great videos, though and the video for LAV and I Want You are not that great, but the rest is superb.

  7. oh and back on topic:

    Loved the immaculate collection DVD except they left off a few videos like Burning Up, but the artwork was amazing for both the DVD and CD.

    dont get me started on the HORRENDOUS remixes they used on the CD. Abysmal. I can't even listen to the CD, but love making my own using the amazing single edits from the remastered japan 40 cd single box set from 1996. xoxo

  8. My Celebration dvd is pixelated and has crap audio so I don't watch it often.

    TIC was my first album, I listened to it so much I wore the cassette out after a year! I like the remixes as an alternative to the originals, it's good to have a choice.

  9. rl81 and tony my celebration dvd is full in pixales too, but the audio is good. vevo's videos in youtube are a bit better i guess...

  10. ive heard about the pixels from many people and pud and i have talked about this and our dvds do not have this problem. people say especially on videos like true blue they see a lot of pixelation but there is none on mine. very odd. more people then not say it is bad quality so i should be happy that mine isnt bad, though again, i want you and like a virgin dont look all that great, but no biggie. blu ray with ALL her videos would have been amazing and they could have fit them all on the one disc. *sigh*

  11. My Celebration Video Collection has bad quality, especially when one watches it on a FullHD TV. A total different story with S$S Tour. There you can see someting that is fullHD and crappy quality. The Celebration DVD is a dissapoinment in relation to image quality. Only Full DVDs look decent on a BluRay Player.Hopefully, they will release it on BluRay someday.

  12. well theres the problem right there. most people are watching this NON HD DVD, 'Celebration' on huge TV screens and are expecting it to be crisp and clear. Newsflash: The 'Celebration' DVD set is NOT HD, therefore, if you watch it on an HDTV, you will get pixelation, just like with ALL non-HDTV movies that are pressed onto 4GB DVD's.

  13. Good point, Tony. Never thought of it like that.

  14. im watching mine on a 19'' regular TV. so it looks perfect to me. i really think the huge tvs of today are not going to be clear with a 4GB DVD. like i said, this collection should have been pressed to blu-ray. that way, it would look great on ALL tv's, which are the standard of today (HDTV's)
