Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Look at #Madonna's #MDNA Costumes

More HERE at WWD.


  1. This JPG creation is her best tour look since BA! And that french twist w/curl is so LAV and MG! LOVE IT!

    1. I was thinking that too about the twist! She looks amazing. Love the bright red lips in bits as well. Can't wait.

  2. gaultier costume is the best by far!

  3. Except for the Gaultier the rest of them look Hideous, i hope to God they serve a purpose with the theme, but it all looks a little rehashed to me, and trust me i know i am a costume designer. I know some of you will ask, can you do better? well, all i can say, i can, and also i cant do worse! here is a link to my concept costumes which i did for the Re-Invention tour and you tell me what you think.

  4. I love the costumes I've seen so far, even the GMAYL one has grown on me. As far as costumes, there are so many factors to take into consideration, one of the most important is being able to move/dance easily in them as well as lighting, quick change and durability. The Gaultier corset is to die for and I love the throw back to the 'Erotica' video look with the shirt and tie also, a mask would finish that look off nicely I think.
