Friday, October 22, 2010

Bedtime Story Brits

Botticelli's Birth of Venus on acid.


  1. Great performance. She looked hot.

  2. One of my favourites, great vocal too! Love when she comes down the steps and shimmies!

  3. i LOVE the choreography of her bleached-out, sexy aliens-from-another-planet dancers.

  4. One of my favorite Madonna performances. Creative and yet so simple.

  5. Is this the only time she has ever performed this song live? I can't remember...

  6. One of my favorite too! when i saw it for the first time i thought, oh my God absolutely new image, new song and choreography and still recognizable Madonna who looks very cool and smart with her new look. There was a time when i expect from Madonna something brand new and every time she met my expectations and that's why i love her.

  7. Out of this world,i freaking love it !!!

  8. Goddess.. divine, that's why she's the QUEEN

  9. One of her Top 10 performances ever!

  10. pre-RAY OF LIGHT and yet somehow completely on-target for what was to come. there's always a hint on every album what's next. spiritually, cosmically Barbarella.

  11. I was backstage at the concert, with her and her brother Chris. My one moment to fall to my knees and worship her - but as our eyes met - and gave her an evil and looked away. It was like I had to snub her b4 she did it to me - but I've always regretted it. FYI - in rehersals she stormed off stage and I had to be her stand in!!!!!!
