Friday, January 13, 2012

If You Don't Like It Here at Pud Whacker's Madonna Scrapbook

Then fuck off.


  1. HAHAHA That e mail is hilarious.I LUV YOUR BLOG

    1. I have a feeling this post is about to blow UP!

  2. Clearly Lady GaGa has finally discovered your Blog Pud.

  3. I love it too. But I get upset when us fans turn on each other. I want us all the be friends.

    1. Umm, Dontlookback - don't piss Pud off.. you see what he siad to Outsidethebox now...LOL!

    2. Bit late for that now..these people have 'no clue'...'PUD RULES' I say 'dont like madonna then dont visit her fuckin fan sites' i mean it's not a difficult concept to grasp. JEEEEZ!!

    3. I was talking about the comments board. I love everything about the site except when we start bitching at each other for having an opinion. But I am not starting an argument. Happy Friday everyone!

    4. Ok..fair do's. but wasnt really refering to you personaly..just fans of other artists coming on here to bitch. you know what i mean?? 'PEACE'!!

  4. I'm sorry? Did outsidethebox not see the Cynthia interview yet? Outside - YOU need to look up the word REDUCTIVE.

  5. How dare he? FILTHY PIG! don't direct Puds art direction. Without this Pud we all would be in the dark on Madonna news and history.

    PS Lady fucking turd shit is GROTESQUE. I will go out and say she is disgusting. I hope all you GROTESQUE MONSTERS go fuck off.

  6. OMG..her fans are a bunch of seriously 'sick individuals' the 'shit' i've been reading. They are so 'frightened' that 'the gag' has had her day now M is "back"!! they will say any shit..can't put into words my reaction to these people. i mean look how they treated 'ADELE' for instance. This 'gag' needs to get on her god-damn twitter, as she seems more popular their than selling records (flop flop) and sort her f/kin fans out..dont remember all this nasty shit from any other fan base..kylie, gwen,britney, christina..the list goes on & on. never usually 'rant' but these muther fuckers are sssssoooo annoying!! anyone else agree?? 'M-RULES!!!!!!!

  7. hahahahaha i usually don't post here ... but this is genius!!!... love this blog!!!

  8. Does anyone remember the lambs? Now we have the Lil's all a cycle in the end, the Queen always holds on to her thrown.

  9. Awwww, but Pud's gifs are the icing on the cake!
    They always make me lol...


  11. Agreed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I've met Pud a few times in and around LA and he's a total sweetie. I've been reading/viewing his blog for a few years now, and I can say that it's THE best Madonna site I've ever come across.

    I have nothing against Gaga, but the reason Madonna will always outshine her is because Madonna transcends her own iconic status. She has done things in her career that have literally reshaped the way people view sex, religion, and life in general. Madonna is a scholar of the human condition, and this is something that Lady Gaga is simply too young to understand. Madonna has always had strong convictions that she's represented in her work. A powerful message that was/is all her own. Lady Gaga lacks a real voice. And I think thats why she's so transparent to Madonna fans.

    Love this site Pud. Thanks for all your hard work!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This is THE BEST Madonna blog out there. Period. In the words of Madonna....."get a fuckin sense of humor,ok? Lighten up."

  14. This is THE BEST Madonna blog out there. Period. In the words of Madonna....."get a fuckin sense of humor,ok? Lighten up."

  15. If you don't like my attitude then you can eff off!

  16. OMG - I wanna frame this for parties!!! Love it! Classic comeback. Fuck Off!! Master Pud :-) F'n great!

  17. this outsidethebox is rather reductive wouldn't you say?

  18. Wow!

    I can't believe Evrybdy emailed you with this crap!!


  19. Oh and this is the ONLY blog I visit on a daily basis.

    I love this blog and I love the owner!


  20. Lady Gaga is a joke and she's nowhere near Madonna, Madonna is like Elvis, in a class by herself, a total original. Now having said that, I have to agree with outsidethebox, Pud you haven't learned a thing from Madonna by trash-talking other female artists. How old are you? In your late 30s but still acting like some dumb teenager. The only thing you can respond is some immature "Fuck off." You do reflect poorly on the rest of us Madonna's fans, and unfortunately based from most of the other comments in here, it's sad to see Madonna has so many idiotic fans out there when she spent her whole career encouraging us to be intelligent

    1. nina - i do NOT represent madonna or her fans. i only represent MYSELF. so like whatever his name is that wrote this email, If You Dont Like it Here at Pud Whacker's...

    2. I dont care about you Pud, only about the content of your blog, the photos, rare articles, interviews etc that you post, but you I don't care for, you're dumb as fuck

    3. I probably am but at least I ain't an idiotic cunt like you're Pud

    4. well nina, i work to bring all this to you for free. i dont have advertisers or anything. so to have people come in here and insult me and tell me what to do is really bad manners. so i will tell you and anyone else to FUCK OFF if they dont like it here. go elsewhere. there are other madonna sites. so really, go there. they will love your hits because they profit from madonna, i dont.

    5. Pud, I'm being a cunt to you just to give you a taste of your own medicine. I love your blog, i think the work you do here is great, you take the time to go and find rare stuff and we all really appreciate it. I really appreciate it, but you're a defensive cunt at times, thats just what i was trying to point at. Your blog ROCKS thought!

    6. ive always loved your participation here until you call me a dick and shyt!!! ha! xo

      anyway, its been a GREAT MADONNA WEEK - lets love it all!!!


    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Yes indeed, its been a great Madonna's week, and the next few weeks/months will be even better. Can't wait for all the great stuff ahead, the single, the super bowl, the album, the videos, the tour, etc. 30 years after her debut Everybody, and 20 years after Erotica/Sex our best girl still rocks. She's the Queen!

      As for calling you name Pud, just wanted to show you how uncool it is when you're the one doing it. Love ya though, so please love me again, haha! And keep doing what you do here, bringing us all the rare and great photos, interviews, articles etc.

  21. Pud,
    How ironic, I was just going to email you and complain that you weren't trashing Lady Gaga enough on your site.

    Another Immature Fan In His Late 30s.

  22. I don't think it's in anyway 'immature' to call out someone who is blatantly ripping off most of your career and leading people to believe it was your idea.

    I also don't think it is catty or wrong of Madonna to call her out on being 'reductive', especially after Lady Goober thanked Whitney Houston at the Grammy's purposely jabbing Madonna.

    If the bitch can't take the heat, she can always get a nose job and her own career.

    1. Jesus Christ, you'd think Madonna fans would understand that Madonna has stolen from hundreds of people.

      Who says Gaga can't take the heat? She hasn't even said anything, moron.

    2. What's 'moronic' is the fact that Madonna has 'stolen' from people that have been dead for years, honey! Lady Goober steals EVERY fucking Madonna look (without the sexiness of course) from someone still alive and who is STILL the best selling female artist of all-time and who also still sells out of all of live shows.

      Big difference, dip-shit.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. I agree with you Tony. Gaga has zero personality, not only is she a copy of Madonna but also of other artists. There's absolutely nothing original about her, and her music. But it doesn't mean that as Madonna's fans we should waste our time constantly trash-talking Gaga. Shes ripping off everybody, but already everybody knows that, doesn't take anything away from Madonna, it actually only proves Madonna's relevancy 30 years after her debut. Even if someone doesn't like Madonna, or says that shes been ripping off past stars (Marylin, Dietrich, etc.) no one can actually say that she was not an original, Madonna sounded like no one else but herself when she burst onto the scene, and actually still doesn't sound like anybody but herself, that's what an original is, not to mention that she did change the culture. So I really don't understand why Madonna's fan get so upset by Gaga, she hold NO candles to M's achievements and originality.

    1. Madonna can't sing, so of course she didn't sound like anyone else. I love how you try to cover up Madonna's plagiarism with "Well, at least she sounded differently." Gaga sounds different, yet she's not original? Typical Madonna fan: blind and hypocritical.

    2. Gaga dosnt sound different at all, her voice is a cross between Gwen Stefani's and Christina Aguilera's. Madonna may not 'sing' but at least shes got a distinctive voice

    3. Sorry DippShit, I mean Kipp, but I don't think Gaga can sing. I much prefer the tone of Madonna's voice. Go watch Evita and tell me the woman can't sing.

      Lady Goober can't dance nor can she play the piano. She makes Madonna on guitar sound like Hendrix.


  24. i too believe we the madonna fans have to calm down. monsters are the worst fanbase EVER! we don't have to resemble them. :)

  25. Love you Pud, but I agree, the images are too much! They make my browser crash and I can't read the blog sometimes!

  26. And posting the guy/gal's email address was kind of shady.

    1. it will make ANYONE HERE think twice before sending me an email that says "i like your blog BUT..and then goes on giving me a fucking novel on WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING - and wasting my time. like i said, if one doesnt like it here...

    2. I swear to God you are, like, 12 years old. Time to grow up.

    3. dont tell me what its time to do, BEAST LOVER. go fuck yourself.

    4. Time for Dipp to find another blog. Go listen to that Marilyn Manson/Samantha Fox reject, Gaga.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I was like wow Pub you are too hard, then I went to this blog you gave on the mail, finally, i was like: "no you are right: fuck off!"

    By the way, I always go to your blog once per week & I remember of our little mail exchange regarding your wall covered by Madonna's picture of the first album ... I did mine (with Who's that girl tour poster) thanks again for your advices ;)

    So yeah, continue with your great gif :)

  29. Pud, don't censor yourself for anyone. YOU RUN THIS SHIT. People should be grateful for all the cool stuff you bring to us. I thought I struck gold when I found your site.Fuck them,they can go piss up multiple ropes. Lady Goo Hole is the worst thing to come on the scene in a long time. If it wasn't for all the outlandish get-ups and weird crack head antics no one would even pay attention to her. Her music is NOTHING. Nothing new,nothing special,nothing my ears want to hear. There is only one and will never will there be another Madonna. Case closed. Keep doing what you're doing. Peace.

  30. This is plain easy, if you dont like it dont visit and go somewhere else. I havent comment anything in a while for two reasons, i was on a trip (for work) and because i got tired of the fights between Madonna fans but i visit your blog daily Pud.
    I will have to agree on the gifs tho, i mean, i like them but sometimes they crush the page and it closes by itself and i have to re-open it again. Other than that i love the blog, its the best Madonna blog out there.

  31. I don't think this blog was created for people who use smartphones to surf the net. I think it is aimed at people with actual computers, where GIFS and stuff don't slow the pages down.

  32. Once again Tony is wrong. I surf the net on my Mac, i do not have an smartphone (thats too ghetto) and still crushes the web. You love to give your opinion on everything thinking that you know absolutely everything when you clearly dont know shit.
