Friday, January 13, 2012


The Power of Madonna

When Madonna says Look It Up - they do. Madonna makes Reductive a hot search after Cynthia McFadden interview describing putrid Lady Gaga.


  1. The power of the Royal Highness is right!
    Look it up and reductive ts in the making.
    Love it!

  2.!!! Fabulous!

  3. I'm just loving all of this. It took a year to happen but couldn't have been more epic. Lady Gaga's Born This Way will be FOREVER remembered as the Express Yourself Rip Off. Reductive will FOREVER be associated with Lady Gaga, and Lady WHO IS NEVER GOING TO GO AWAY, as the public reaction on graham's set clearly demonstrates. Madonna is subtly ruining and destroying Lady Gaga's reputation.

  4. it just keeps getting more wonderful.

  5. who says madonna is not relevant anymore. oh yes some ignorant people. lol. madonna da QUEEN!

  6. PUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDly!!! glad i found your page. love, love, loving this!!

  7. puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddily. glad i found your page. got banned from madonnanation 2. i am love, love, loving this!

    ***riding the groovy ciccone train***

  8. she still has so much power!
    those who say she's "over"
    dn't even know where 2 begin...

  9. Wow! I can't believe what the producer of, 'Born This Reductive' tweeted!!

    DJ White Shadow:

    "It was a bummer for me when everyone was saying it sounded like a Madonna song. If you know one thing about me, it is that I am absolutely not influenced by Madonna. I think it was bullshit to be honest. I guess there are a hundred songs that you could put a pitch shift and a BPM change on and loop and make them sound like anything. In addition, there are 5 songs on the radio right now that have the exact same chords and progression. Actually there are 5 songs out that are exactly the same song, on the radio at the same time. Right now. Why doesn’t anyone ever bring that up? Thatis a fucking felony. Lets talk about that! As an added note, how many people have been copying Gaga since she came out? Oh, I have that answer: everyone. Have you seen all the lightning bolts painted on faces, or the one hand eye cover ups during photos, or the exact same promo posters being put up as Gaga’s, or the new popularity of unicorns, or the copycat fake “Oh I’m so cool with the gay community” rhetoric? Or how about the fact that there was barely any dance music on the radio until “Just Dance” came out? Come on motherfuckers, let’s keep it real here. If we are going to talk about who is chasing who, I think we all know the answer to that. So yeah, she did something new, and people had to reach back 20+ years to find a song that could have possibly sounded like it, and that made news? Come on."

    Someone is quite out of the loop! o_O
