Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Madonna Song: Gang Bang

Gang Bang

Bang bang, shot you dead
Bang bang, shot you dead (In the head)

Bitch out of order
Bat out of hell
Fish out of water
I'm scared, can't you tell?

Bang bang, shoot you dead
Bang bang, shot you dead

I need a decision
I would never look back
So how did you...

Bang bang, shoot you dead
Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead
Shot my lover in the head
Bang bang, shot you dead
Girl I have no regret
Bang bang, shoot you dead (In the head)
Bang bang, shot you dead
Shot my lover in the head

Snippet #3 - Gang Bang


  1. I just really want the album now....I can't take this daily teasing anymore.

    1. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this edging is driving me karazy!

  2. I LOVE IT!!! sorry about the perez video but its all we have so far, guys. xo

  3. [fingers in ears] la la la....i'm not listening.....

  4. LOVE it! Has kind of an "Erotica" sound to it, but a little more club sounding. God, these daily snippets are about to make me shoot my Madonna wad! MDNA, HURRY!

  5. wow this is so dark!!! it has "skin"'s feeling!
    this album is going to be AMAZING!!!

    1. Exactly! And it's just mind-blowing! The best from all the previews we had so far!

    2. i prefer love spent. i think love spent is the best so far, but i don't know...i guess i'm going to worship that album..

  6. Can't take this anymore!!!! This album is epic.

    The more I hear it, though, the more I see why Interscope didn't want to release GMAYL as a first single. It's got nothing to do with the crazy, drug-induced music we've been hearing so far. I believe Martin Solvieg said in an interview to French radio that in fact had it not leaked, it might have been a different story, which is an intriguing thing to say.

    Still, things being how they were, I think they should've been clear about GMAYL being a SuperBowl single, and then stick it as a bonus track. Same degree of fabulousness (love that song), but a more cohesive story to tell.

    Of course, thanks to the power of the ipod we can now program this tracklist whichever way we fucking want.

    1. Totally agree!

      "I think they should've been clear about GMAYL being a SuperBowl single, and then stick it as a bonus track"

      The album would/will do beter if there was a more experimental sounding song ala Gang Bang.

      Same thing happen to Xtina's Bionic album...they released a song that was done b4 and it eneded up being lost in the crowd.

      I'm sure MDNA will be the Bionic of terms of being panned by critics, but fans will love none the less.

      All i have to say is that from reading the reviews, Turn Up the Radio should be released. Fingers crossed....don't let it be another Beat Goes On mess.


    2. the album already has wonderful reviews - so chew on that cocksucker.

    3. 'PANNED BY CRITICS'??? DON'T YOU READ?? Ana ur called 'the madonna blog' WTF 'GET REAL'!!

    4. Give me all your luvin is a cute and fun song, that was perfect for the Superbowl. I don't understand why people are not into that song? It would have stayed in the charts longer if it wasn't leaked months before. Very bad promotion by interscope.

      "Addicted" should have been the second single. over Girls gone wild. If anyone follows Benny Benassi, its his usual boring sound, that he has been doing for 8 years now.

    5. Madonnablog, I think it's actually the other way around - critics will mostly praise it (let's remember that the "real" music critics though have not published yet, such as Billboard, AV Club, Rolling Stone, etc etc), but it will be people that are harder to convince...

      Fans, yes, will love it. But you need more than fans to get to that zeigeist feeling of "this is a success."

      Not that this HAS to be a success, but of course victory (and revenge) in the Pop world are always sweet ;)

    6. @themadonnablog

      "I'm sure MDNA will be the Bionic of terms of being panned by critics, but fans will love none the less."

      Have you been reading the reviews?

      The reviews are all VERY positive. The press is raving about the album.

      And please, folks, stop associating Madonna with cheaper, talentless acts such as Gaga, Aguilera, Britney Spears, Minogue. You could have found another parallel situation instead of "Bionic" - even though the media's reaction has been the complete opposite.

      Besides that, you are completely wrong about "Bionic". That album was a failure mainly because it didn't sell well, not because of the critics. It didn't sell well because, unlike what you said, it is NOT loved by the fans. It was a commercial failure above all things. There are many albums which are panned by the critics, but are not considered a "flop" because of its commercial success.

      You could have made a parallel with Madonna's own Hard Candy. Except that, if you read the reviews from four years ago, you will find out that the press also loved that album - it was indeed a carefully crafted album. The press liked it, but it still is the least favorite Madonna album amongst her fanbase.

      MDNA is getting great reviews and even though we hear a lot of complaints among M fans, her fanbase is actually very excited about it. It's gonna debut in #1 in over 30 countries for sure. Also, the complete opposite of Bionic.

      I can't wait for the whole album. I'm very happy about what I hear. I enjoy GMAYL, I love GGW, I am excited about I'M ADDICTED, and LOVE SPENT, and I am already in love with GANG BANG.


    7. Yikes...I think what i mean to say is I HOPE It DOES NOT have the fate of Bionic. Meaning the album sounds great so far...I just hope it gets the justice it deserves. Unlike Bionic. Anyways...It will rock. I love Gang Bang so far... it's just the sound I was I hoping for. Can't wait hear the new album in full.

      The FUC*K'IN concert is going to be EPICCC... Can't wait to ge my mind blown. I'm sure every sense in my/our bodies will be pulsating and salavating non-stop during and dayszzz long after the concert.


    8. I've read three reviews on MDNA here in the UK newspapers today and all three mention GaGa ..... They all say how this album is a return to her dance roots and how it makes COADF sound like a chill out album, They also say that Madonna still holds the crown and GaGa needs to start taking notes on how its REALLY done, I'm really proud of those reviews and i'm really looking forward to my summer now, Its gonna be wild

    9. how it's really done? gaga does gaga. like it or lump it.

  7. Awesome. Wonderful. THIS is the kind of music I was hoping M would produce for this particular "comeback" album. Can't wait to hear the whole thing (and maybe the early version/original demo, too--eventually).

  8. I love it!!! Thank god this album will better than Hard Candy

  9. It's Like a kylie Minogue album. I didn't like any of the previews that I heard. I'm sad, this is not Madonna. Gonna wait the next album.

    1. lol kylie wishes she had songs like this. sounds NOTHING like kylie and i enjoy some kylie stuff.

  10. instantly one of Her best songs ever!

  11. Sounds great!

    Love all the songs from MDNA so far!! lucky me!! :)

  12. another far love every single song.......this one is beyond amazing

  13. "I made a decision,
    I would never look back
    So how did you end up
    with one-eyed jack?"



  14. heck, this sounds amazing. she doesn't even sound like herself. cool change of form. loving each of the three new snippets. from the reviews i've read and the audio i've heard, GMAYL sounds like a misfit. i'm an album man so this'll bug me a lil.

    1. Not sure why? GMAYL is a fantastic pop song.

    2. Compared to the rest of what we have heard? Tony, I am going to have to politely disagree.

      Personaly it holds a little place in my heart as it brought joy at a time of heart ache (the song DOES have this uplifting quality.)

      But on an album where the snippets have sounded cohesive and of the same mould, GMAYL sounds like it should have been a B-Side to Beautiful Stanger. I am glad it got a cool, fun video though and it did it's job for the Super Bowl. But as evrybdygegeget said, it shoud have been a bonus track, with the sole purpose of Super Bowl hype.

    3. I never said it was the best thing on the album. it was PERFECT as a tie-in single for the superbowl and she had a new album coming out, GMAYL was going to be on the album, so it made perfect sense as the first single.

      This is madonna. She has never been traditional or conventional.

    4. That's doesn't make this the best first choice. Word on the street is that the label and her Majesty really did want to go with this as first single but MIA and Niki had signed on and they had to proceed, and of course the Super Hole to.

      Fun song though.

  15. I believe the lyric is "so how did you end up with all of my jack." Jack is slang for money.


    Madonna always managing to impress us, im counting the days to the release!!!

  17. This shoulda been the first single.

  18. Fucking LOVE it! I am so in love with this album! I must agree with some that gmayl was a superbowl song. It amounts to nothing compared to what we have in store! THANK YOU MADONNA!

  19. this is what I was waiting for - AMAZING!
    and yes lager I really do agree.


  21. Bang Bang-Part 1 of the second love that got away from her. In this menacing and angry dance, Madonna wants absolutely nothing to do with Guy because when the romance died and the friendship ended-the next day, Madonna rented Network-all alone, Our Lady screamed "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" Afraid, Madonna truly wonders as she cries "This is unreal! This is surreal! I'm going insane!" This time her Ray of Light flared and flamed out! I agree with blogger Tony! This is Madonna! Never traditional or conventional! That's what I love about this woman!

  22. I "needed" this song. Know what I mean?
