Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The world can't take it.


  1. Man! Look at those cheeks in 1985!! Musta been her first cheek implant session!!

  2. Cheeks and nose is the same!

  3. it's not all natural, but it's beautiful.

  4. Hate to disagree, but the cheeks are not the same. she's had them enhanced. but we would all do it too if we could. "Cut me up, doc!"

  5. The only actual plastic surgery that she had done was her cheeks (implants in 2008.) That's the first and only time she has ever had plastic surgery done before which isn't that bad considering she didn't go under the knife until she was almost 50.

    Other things she has had done over the years are collagen, botox, restalyne, veneers, etc. But none of those things count as actual surgeries though.

    She never had her nose done, her boobs done, a face-lift, or anything else done. Sorry...

  6. really interesting! i see not too many differences. actually she looks almost the same then and now! she's truly sexy and sex-appeal has no age! to be honest, the main reason i love her is not because she's beautiful and sexy, but because she's one of the most charismatic artists of all time, with an open heart and and an open mind, a symbol of self-expression and devotion in whatever she is doing..

  7. Well, interesting comments. Clearly, she's had work done. I'd guess a facelift, in addition to injectables (cheeks, lips, etc.) and laser treatments.

    However, she looks great. The fillers she used were to restore her facial fat, which declines with age. The fact that she looks the same points to surgery - we all age.

    That said, her work is great. I think she looks gorgeous. The cheeks are a nice restoration - maybe people are against them because they don't realize she was just restoring something she once had and that time had diminished.

    All in all, beautiful then, now, and between.

    Haters - really?

  8. well, in the 2010 pic her cheeks are overly enhanced. thats obvious. still, no biggie.

  9. In 1985 she had already undergone nose surgery, but in that case it was for good. But those cheek implants she has today... (and many other things)ruined her face.

  10. ... she never had a nose-job...prove your point by posting some pics.

  11. lol@the idea of madonna having a nose job.

  12. She still looks great!

    You go Madonna!!!
