Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Houston, Texas - Astrodome - Who's That Girl World Tour 1987


  1. LOL... I love that poster.

    "Seating limited due to special theatrical staging."

    LOL. "State of the art sound system" Oh my! hehe

    I wonder where Level 42 is these days.

  2. Beautiful! More vintage pics, please.

  3. @David, back in those days, people didn't put on shows like she did. I know The Rolling Stones and U2 have been around longer than she has and their shows now have been upgraded. I saw U2 in the 80's and Madonna's show was, in a sense, state of the art. I am not debating that this was her best performance, I am, however, debating that Madonna was a step ahead of everyone else - hasn't she always been?

  4. She looks so ugly with that hair. Yikes!
    What was she thinking cutting it so short? I think she was trying to be like Annie Lennox...who pulled it off much better. I honeestly love the music of this era - 1986-87 and think it was her best of the 80's, but looking at the image makes me cringe.

    I remember listening to 'Where's the Party' back then thinking...why is she singing:
    " Gonna let my hair hang down...I'm ready now!"

    I was like she has no long hair to hang down..only a boyish pixie cut. Oh well...I have to admint when she went short 1993 it suited her very nicely.

    Oh well..long live the peen.


  5. Where's The Party - the hair was probably long when she wrote it. Remember when the True Blue album was going to be called Live To Tell?

    I agree with the Who's That Girl tour look. The hair was horrible and the Open Your Heart corset made her look chunky. Most of her 80s looks aged well. This one did not.

  6. Take a look though at photos of Madonna on the WTG when it started in Japan - she looks utterly utterly breathtaking!

    I agree that later - on certain gigs of the tour - the hair looked crap - and the photos of that have not stood the test of time.

    But please don't write off her entire WTG tour "look" - honestly, on a lot of it she was just so beautiful it's impossible to properly put into words!

    :-) :-) :-)

  7. @madonna-tv.com - I agree it wasn't all bad. I love the corset with the trousers. Also loved the Causing A Commotion jacket/hat combo. I also loved the red trousers at the end. She looks GORGEOUS at the end of the Ciao Italia show when she combs her hair straight.

    Just a shame the photos from it (as seen above) haven't aged well. The progression between Who's That Girl and Blond Ambition is just jaw dropping. The Virgin Tour look also still looks great.

  8. Terrible look and tour. Not my cup of tea at all.

  9. The enthusiasm she put into these performances was electrifying. Not my favorite tour but she took pop music so damn seriously and WTG tour was an enormous undertaking AND success - stadiums packed to the gills and this tiny little woman belting out hit after hit like a hurricane!

  10. My first Madonna experience two days later at Texas Stadium and I was more than excited. Yes her look was beautiful in the start of the tour, but got kinda raunchy by the end. It was and will always be one of the most memorable nights of my life.

  11. Hi..several months b4 the madonna Houston show 1987 tour...I was the first person in line the day the tickets went on sale..one of the local Houston news interviewed me n my buddies..and the tv clip was shown here in Houston rd that day..does any one know if the tv clip exists ?? I've been looking 4 years any help guys ??

  12. Anyone with any info on the the tv clip email me thx
