Monday, September 26, 2011

Madonna 1976 /1977 School

Reader Carla found this 76/77 school piece on Madonna.


  1. Oh wow another unseen gem.
    I love how people misspelled her last name all the time in yearbooks etc.

    I'm a bit confused about the dates...there's also a reportcard on the net from her days in college, studying dance. It's from 1977, but wasn't she supposed to be in New York by then?

  2. I could of been a student!!!

  3. PUD YOU STRUCK GOLD AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow, great rare item! They wrote "Ciconne"...

    @sivan: I think Madonna was moving to NYC in the summer of 1978... 1977/78 was her last year at the University Of Michigan.

  5. Well I guess she got a career in the performing arts!

  6. Re dates: I was led to believe M graduated early and so this could be from her first year at Michigan Uni. The pic is from her last year at High School. The entry looks like it could be for candidates seeking office as a Student representative. Be interesting to see rest of page?

  7. @Darolome: that's why I was confused, I always thought she said she graduated early, and she did go to college but dropped out to go to New York, when she was 17.
    I guess she was 19 or 20 when she went to NY, in '78 as Daniel_Germany said.

  8. Yea this cant be 76/77 as she would have most likely graduated in 1976.

  9. It's from a church council booklet.
